Monday, August 24, 2009

Annual Forecasts & Fengshui Remedies for 2006

Annual Forecasts & Fengshui Remedies for 2006 : Year of the Yang Red Fire Dog - for Dog Sign

By: Janarrdhana Guptha

The ancient Chinese Astrology is not only fascinating but also quite accurate. It's Zodiac is based on 12 signs, a cycle of 12 years and are named after 12 symbolic animals : Rat (or Mouse), Ox (or Buffalo or Bull or Cow), Tiger, Rabbit (or Hare or Cat), Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat (or Sheep or Ram), Monkey, Rooster (or Hen or Cock or Chicken or Phoenix), Dog and Pig (or Boar or Hog).

Your Chinese Astrological Zodiac Animal Sign is based on your Chinese Lunar Year of Birth. The Chinese New Year is movable and could start anywhere between 21st January and 20th February, depending upon the year.

If your Date of Birth falls into any of these below listed Chinese Lunar Years, then, because you are born in the Year of the Dog, you are symbolically identified as a "Dog" :

  • From 10 Feb 1910 to 29 Jan 1911

  • From 28 Jan 1922 to 15 Feb 1923

  • From 14 Feb 1934 to 03 Feb 1935

  • From 02 Feb 1946 to 21 Jan 1947

  • From 18 Feb 1958 to 07 Feb 1959

  • From 06 Feb 1970 to 26 Jan 1971

  • From 25 Jan 1982 to 12 Feb 1983

  • From 10 Feb 1994 to 30 Jan 1995

In Chinese Hsia Calender, 2006 is the 4703rd year and is also the third year of the New Fengshui Land Luck Period 8. The new Chinese Lunar Year is from 29.01.2006 to 17.02.2007. Here are the Annual Forecasts and suggested Fengshui & Crystal Remedies that you may need for the coming "New Year 2006 : Bing Xu, the Year of the Yang Red Fire Dog" :


A year which will bring about a lot of changes. The changes could be good or bad. Good or bad, they will be rather extreme. The negative energies of the yester year have still not fully dissipated. Shed your loneliness and make new friendships. If you have been thinking of a job change, now is the time. Alternatively, if you have been planning for a diversification of your business, take your plunge. Anyhow, with or without your consent, there will be major transformations both in your personal and professional lives. But if you introduce planned changes intentionally, you have higher chances of turning conflicting energy into good luck.

If you are in creative, advertising, writing or entertainment industry, you would progress greatly. Even otherwise, your path will be much smoother and results much faster. If you are posted abroad or simply travel overseas, look out for new money-making opportunities. You have to watch out for back-stabbing from people close to you. Be clear in your communications and clear any misunderstandings immediately. Focus on your long term goals, work hard, implement your good ideas, ignore provocations and preserve your patience. You are now better equipped to face challenges - face them bravely. You will finally get your recognition and reward. After getting them, be humble. Wear a Lapis Lazouli Crystal Pendant to take right decisions at the right time. If you are interested in part-time studies, go ahead, it will bring you sure success in the coming years.

You are offending the Tai Sui this year, so display the statue of a Three Generations Dragon Head Turtle alongwith a photograph of the presiding Year Authority of 2006 in the North West, to minimise the negativities of gossips and scandals. You should also wear a Fengshui Rabbit Pendant or place the statue of a Rabbit in the East. (The position of Tai Sui corresponds to North West this year. Tai Sui is also popularly called as Grand Duke of Jupiter and is an intangible energy body of war-like nature that should not be disturbed.)


Reasonably good money luck. But you will have a tough time in guarding it though. Beware of large expenses, especially of health, shifting and vehicle maintenance. Spend conservatively and avoid risky high-interest deposits. Invest in health insurance. Keep off gambling and money markets.


A lot of minor health problems related to abdomen, digestion, endocrine and respiratory systems. Some of you may end up with minor cuts and burns. Accidents could happen while travelling, resulting in minor injuries. Mental and physical stress could lead to sleeplessness. Meditate and excercise. You can also try and pre-empt the above by donating blood and having your teeth cleaned by a dentist. Minimise the health issues by hanging a large sized original, natural Chinese Kalabash, in your bedroom, over your head.


Reasonble romantic luck this year. But be wary of fresh decisions though. Many of you will marry and settle down. But the romeos should be careful of over-spending their energies : they may live to regret later. Enjoy yourself, but don't cross the limits. If you are married, spend a lot of quality time with your spouse and family. Communicate freely and wisely. Do not allow misunderstandings to expand, but clear the conflicts immediately, then and there.

Beneficial Crystal : Red Jasper, for 2006

Good Relationship with : Tiger, Rabbit & Horse, for 2006

Conflict with : Dragon, Goat & Rooster, for 2006

Yin/Yang : Yang


The above analysis has suggested some remedies/cures for reducing the impact of negative energy and has recommended certain enhancers for increasing and improving upon the beneficial energy. For the remedies/enhancers to be effective, they should be cleansed, energised, blessed and programmed not only for the particular individual/family but also for the specific purpose/problem. They should also be placed in the indicated location. Any or all of these remedies can be reused for the coming new years, the only thing is that some of them may have to be repositioned according to the specific new year.

Author Bio

Janarrdhana Guptha is an Energy Consultant, Fengshui & Vaastu Researcher, Crystal Master and a Clairvoyant Karma Reader. His speciality is in Remedial Solutions, especially one-time, life-time Crystal Energy Fields for Karma Energy Correction. Also for defects in Lands & Buildings as per Vedic Vaastu Shashtra, Oriental Fengshui, Chinese Flying Stars Feng Shui & European Bau-Biologie, without any alteration or demolition. His wife, Kalpana Guptha, is also a Psychic Reader. The Energy Couple can be reached through or through their website:

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Basics of Western Astrology Explained

Basics of Western Astrology Explained

By: Paul Curran


This article covers the basics of Astrology and how they are inter-related. Astrology is defined as 'the art or practice of determining the supposed influences of the planets and their motions on human affairs and human disposition'. From this practice a horoscope can be produced - a diagram (or chart) of the relative positions of planets and signs of the Zodiac at a specific time, usually the time of birth. A forecast can then be produced.

The Zodiac

Western Astrology originated way back, around 500 BC, with a concept called the Zodiac being developed. This comprised of an imaginary sphere surrounding the earth, which followed the path of the Sun through the constellations during the year. The Zodiac was split into twelve sections, each named after the specific constellation noted in that area.


Many ancient philosophies used a set of classical elements to explain the way nature behaved. Each sign was connected to one of the classical elements (fire, earth, air, or water) and was also related to a region of focus; social, personal or universal.

* Water signs are related to growth processes, identification and emotion. In tandem with the other elements, water feels that fire will make it boil, air will evaporate it, but earth will shape and channel it.

* Fire signs are related to action, passion, and energy. In tandem with the other elements, fire feels that earth will smother it, water will drown it, but air will fan and enliven it.

* Air signs are related to thought, perspective and communication. In tandem with the other elements, air feels that water will obscure it, earth will suffocate it, but fire will inspire and uplift it.

* Earth signs are related to sensation, stability, and practicality. In tandem with the other elements, earth feels that air will dry it, fire will dry it, but water will refresh and nourish it.


Each sign is connected to one of three modalities; cardinal (sometimes referred to as movable), fixed, and mutable.

There are four quadrants following the order of the zodiacal signs, with three signs in each. Each quadrant describes a season, beginning with a cardinal sign, continuing to a fixed sign, and ending with a mutable sign.

Modalities and Related Zodiac Signs

  • Mutable signs are related to adaptability, resourcefulness and holism. They are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces.

  • Fixed signs are related to determination, focus and individuality. They are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius.

  • Cardinal signs are related to creativity and initiation. They are Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.

Summary of Zodiac Sign Characteristics

  • Aries (cardinal, fire, personal): defensive, energetic, head down, assertive, impulsive.

  • Taurus (fixed, earth, personal): patient, indulgent, resourceful, thorough, devoted.

  • Gemini (mutable, air, personal): quick, logical, inquisitive.

  • Cancer (cardinal, water, personal): clinging, protective, sensitive.

  • Leo (fixed, fire, social): theatrical, generous, proud.

  • Virgo (mutable, earth, social): critically, practical, efficient.

  • Libra (cardinal, air, social): lazy, co-operative, fair.

  • Scorpio (fixed, water, social): anxious, passionate, sensitive.

  • Sagittarius (mutable, fire, universal): careless, free, straightforward.

  • Capricorn (cardinal, earth, universal): suspicious, prudent, cautious.

  • Aquarius (fixed, air, universal): detached, democratic, unconventional.

  • Pisces (mutable, water, universal): distracted, imaginative, sensitive.

Author Bio

Paul Curran is webmaster of Love Horoscope World covering Links2Love, resources about astrology online, chinese astrology and free love horoscopes.

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How Tarot Cards Can Help You... Really!

How Tarot Cards Can Help You... Really!

By: Glen Wearden

What Are Tarot Cards?

Made up of no less than seventy-eight cards, each deck of Tarot cards are all the same. Tarot cards come in all sizes with all types of artwork on both the front and back - some even make their own Tarot cards. The meaning and the message of each one of those seventy-eight cards, however, always remains the same.

Tarot cards were first used by the Celtic people more than two thousand years ago. Many believe that Tarot cards serve only to tell the future, but this is not true. When used traditionally, Tarot cards speak of the past and present, and are supposed to give clues and ideas about the future that you are potentially heading into.

What's In the Cards?

Tarot cards are made up of four suits - much like any regular deck of cards. In fact, Tarot cards have all the same values as traditional playing cards: ace through king for each suit. Only one extra card is added to the royal family in Tarot cards - the squire, his position is just under that of the knave (also known as the jack).

The suits are as follows: wands, which in general speak of esoteric issues such as spirituality or creativity; swords, which speak of conflicts and tensions; cups (or pentacles), which are always about money; and cups, which deal in relationship matters and love. The other twenty-two cards of the standard Tarot deck are called the Major Arcana cards, and are all very specific. Cards such as the Devil, the Tower, and Death are in the Major Arcana.

How Could a Tarot Card Reading Actually Help Me?

When done traditionally, a Tarot card reading can put everything into perspective in a clear and understandable way. Every Tarot card reading is prefaced by a question, one that you do not have to reveal to your Tarot card reader but that you keep to yourself. Each card will come up in the past, present, or future position and will shed some light on the topic of your question.

Whether or not you believe in spiritual or esoteric things, or even in the art of telling the future, a Tarot card reading can help you better understand your own thoughts. You'll realize potentially dangerous patterns in your life, and get a better understanding of self. Even the question that you ask in your mind can help you understand something about yourself, and in this way a Tarot card reading can truly help you.

Can Anyone Read Tarot Cards, Or Do I Have To Call Someone or Go Online?

Anyone can learn how to read Tarot cards. There are many books available, both in online and physical bookstores that will tell you the meaning and message of each and every card. Every card in Tarot has a card-specific meaning, and a message or warning. The good news is, there's no secret about what these cards mean to convey - so you, too, can learn how to read the Tarot.

Once you know the meaning of the cards (and it's not something you have to memorize; it's perfectly okay to keep notes by you when you try to give yourself a Tarot card reading), you can read the Tarot for yourself or for others. Any book you read about the Tarot will explain the spreads to use - the way to lay the cards out to understand their meaning and placement in the scheme of your question.

An Ancient Mystery

Tarot cards are more ancient than religion. Tarot cards are older than most languages and most writing, and yet they are still around and are still being used today the exact same way they were used thousands of years ago. If Tarot cards didn't help people, why would they still be used and still be so popular?

Author Bio

I have been studying Tarot for seven years and have incorporated it in my dailly meditation routine. My purpose for this article is to give others a free resource which can hopefully change their lives for the better.

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Astrology and Mankind

Astrology and Mankind

American Heritage Dictionary defines Astrology as the study of the positions and aspects of celestial bodies in the belief that they have an influence on the course of natural earthly occurrences and human affairs. Planetary observation is the basis of Astrology. The practice of astrology was prevalent in the ancient times as well. History of Astrology is an important part of civilization and goes back to the early days of the human race. Some of the well-known civilizations of the world used this field extensively. For example, the ancient Chinese civilization, the Egyptian civilization, the ancient Indian civilization, etc all practiced astrology at some point or the other. Arabs too practiced Astrology before the advent of Islam. Arabs were quite advanced in the field of Astronomy.

The ancient Babylonians were probably the first to use Astrology. The Babylonians were the first to name the days of the week after the Sun, Moon, and planets. They were also the first to set out the twelve houses of the horoscope. Baghdad and Damascus were known as centers of Astrology and Astronomy in olden times. Egypt contributed a lot towards the development of Astrology. It is thought that some of the astrological signs of the zodiac originated in Egypt.

Greek astronomer Ptolemy was the first ever person to write a book on Astrology. He codified the sun sign astrology that we know today. Ptolemy tried to predict the positions of celestial bodies relative to each other and the earth through knowledge of their orbital motions. During his time, astrology was a part of astronomy. Later, astronomy became an exact science and Astrology remained a part of Theology.

Chinese astrology stresses on the five elements, metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. Even the zodiac signs used by them are also different from other forms of astrology.

India has a rich history of Astrology. Astrology was practiced even in the Vedic times in India. Astrology is one of the six disciplines of Vedanga. Ancient Hindu Scriptures too give a lot of importance to the various aspects of planetary motions and its effects on humans. Astrology is still studied and practiced by many in India. It is regarded as vital in Indian culture. It is used to make decisions about marriage, starting of new businesses, and moving into a new house etc. The Hindus believe that human fortune or misfortune in life is due to karma, and karma is believed to be influenced by the movements of the planets. Among the Hindus, Brahmins are considered to be the best authorities on astrology. The astrologers in India claim that it is a scientific method to predict the future. They still club this field of study within the parameters of Hinduism. Hindus almost unanimously believe in astrological predictions. In fact, religious Hindus cannot imagine life without Astrology. More and more Indians have started to build their houses according to the principles of Vastu Shashtra. This ancient Indian tradition is also governed by astrological implications. Hindus believe that the overall prosperity and benefits of the occupants is dependant on the Vastu principles while building the house. Indian Astrologers claim that they can prove that astrological predictions are indeed scientific.

Horoscope is a part of Astrology. Reading the horoscope daily has become a trend even in the developed countries of the West. The Western mind has always put everything subject to scrutiny and they tend to rely solely on scientific facts. But that is not preventing the western people from being obsessed with their horoscopes. Suddenly, the western world has woken up to the possibility of knowing and improving their future with the use of astrology. More and more westerners have started to believe in the possibility of getting affected by the powerful planets and stars. Western scholars have included the subject of astrology in their research. Astrology was never scrutinized and researched ever before the way it has been done over the last few years. In this regard, the Indian astrologers should come forward and show the world the power that astrology holds.

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Chandrradevi is an award winning Astrologer par excellence. Her India's famous Astrology website shivashakkti offers accurate Astrological predictions at reasonable prices.

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Maturity Effects of Planets and Houses

Maturity Effects of Planets and Houses

What makes Vedic Astrology superior to other Divination systems, including Western Astrology, is its level of accuracy and precision in prediction. Predictive methods are based on very complex calculations and there are numerous methods which will pinpoint timing down to the exact minute. However there is a simple method which gives remarkable results and should

be taken into account when seeing a chart.

Planets and houses are said to give their maturity effects at certain ages in a person's life. The planets are more significant in this regard.

When a planet matures at a certain age, the full potential of the planet will be able to manifest at that time. Whatever a planet promises in the chart, will be clearly visible in a person's life at that age.

This is a very important method of prediction and can often work like magic.

In some cases just knowing a person's age without having access to their chart can give you a strong idea of what they are experiencing in life and how that planet corresponding to their age actually functions in their chart.

The maturity planet will show its intrinsic nature as well as the results of its chart placement. The intensity of its effects will last until the next planet matures.


Jupiter Matures at 15 - 20 years of age (peak 16)

Sun Matures at 22 years of age

Moon Matures at 24 years of age

Venus Matures 25 - 27 years of age (peak 25)

Mars Matures at 28 - 31 years of age (peak 28)

Mercury Matures at 32 - 35 years of age (peak 32)

Saturn Matures at 36 - 39 years of age (peak 36)

Rahu Matures at 42 - 47 years of age (peak 42)

Ketu Matures at 48 - 54 years of age (peak 48)

Jupiter's maturity age (15th birthday) 16th year, will often give some special opportunities, wealth, or higher learning (Jupiter's natural significations) and whatever else it indicates in the chart.

Sun's maturity age (21st birthday) 22nd year, will bring out the person's underlying tendencies to the fore, and if well placed is an important time for professional advancement, along with whatever else Sun indicates in the chart.

Moon's maturity age (23rd birthday) 24th year, will show some psychological maturity. Whatever else the Moon indicates in the chart will come to the fore.

From one's 24th birthday (25th year) Venus will mature. As a natural significator of love a person will generally expect some romance even marriage in their life, if supported by the main horoscope. Venus will also give the effects of its chart placement.

Mars maturity age (27th birthday) 28th year, will see a person developing more initiative and independence in their life. Mars will also give the effects of its chart placement.

Mercury's maturity age (31st birthday) 32nd year, will see more intellectual development and important communication activities taking place. Mercury will also give the effects of its chart placement.

Saturn's maturity age (35th birthday) 36th year, can usher in important changes. A person may experience some form of upheaval or find more security and stability in their life. Whatever a person has been working hard towards in the house that Saturn occupies, will give its full results at this age.

Rahu's maturity age (41st birthday ) 42nd year, can make one more focused on the opportunities for growth that Rahu signifies in the chart.

Ketu's maturity age (47th birthday) 48th year, is an important time for introspection and reflection on how one has developed up till now in their lives. It can be an important spiritual turning point.

If a planet is afflicted in a chart, when it reaches maturity the full negative potential of that planet will be able to manifest.

As an example, if Saturn were badly placed in the 4th house of a horoscope, at the age of 36 a person will have some kind of emotional crisis or difficulties with property matters. Saturn is sure to show its more negative inherent traits such as obstacles, delays, miserliness, over attachment and poverty. If this Saturn were also ruler of the 5th and 6th house it will show obstructions in love affairs, creativity, children (5th house) and problems with debts, enemies and health (6th house).

On the other hand if Saturn is a strong benefic or yogakaraka then one may see a sudden rise in fortune at the age of 36.


Houses are said to mature at certain times in a person's life also. If a person has a particularly strong or weak house it will show its effect quite obviously during the period of its duration, alongside other more important predictive factors.

9th House Maturity Age (1-24 yrs)

10th House Maturity Age (25 - 26 yrs)

11th House Maturity Age (27 -28 yrs)

12th House Maturity Age (29 - 30 yrs)

1st House Maturity Age (31 - 33 yrs)

2nd House Maturity Age (34 - 36 yrs)

3rd House Maturity Age (37 - 39 yrs)

4th House Maturity Age (40 - 45 yrs)

5th House Maturity Age (46 - 51 yrs)

6th House Maturity Age (52 - 57 yrs)

7th House Maturity Age (58 - 65 yrs)

8th House Maturity Age (66 yrs onwards)

Up to 24 years of age when the 9th house is giving effects, a person will be very much at the mercy of their fortune or misfortune, depending on the strength of the 9th house in the chart. This is a timr when a person develops

their main outlook and approach to life , and finds their destined path or general life direction.

From one's 24th birthday to 26 years of age, one's career often becomes an important point of focus, and trying to attain professional recognition.

From one's 26th birthday to 28 years of age, social opportunities may manifest, along with focusing on one's ability for wealth and profits and trying to achieve major ambitions and long term goals.

From one's 28th birthday to 30 years of age, a person may have to deal with issues of loss, long distance travel may be important, along with spiritual awakening and seeking a greater meaning to existence.

From one's 30th birthday to 33 years of age, a person may be trying to formulate their self identity and become more independent.

From one's 33rd birthday to 36 years of age, a person may be focused on earning money, development of speech and acquiring knowledge.

From one's 36th birthday to 39 years of age, a person may be fostering their independence and initiative, and learning to handle communication in a more effective manner. New creative skills may be taken up at this time.

From one's 39th birthday to 45 years of age, a person may be concerned more about inner stability and settling down in a permanent home.

From one's 45th birthday to 51 years of age, new creative activities may spring up, along with concentration on one's children and their lives.

From one's 51st birthday to 57 years of age, a person may have to focus more on their health and whatever else their 6th house indicates in the chart.

By one's 57th birthday to 65 years of age, a person has learnt to deal with relationships in a certain way.

From one's 65th birthday onwards a person has to confront issues about death and the mysteries of life.

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Author Bio

Veno offers Affordable Accurate Vedic Astrology Readings and a Beginners Vedic Astrology Course ... Author, Consultant, Teacher, 20 yrs Experience,International Clientele, Founder of Orion School & Foundation for Astrology with Prash Trivedi.

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